Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cheers from the Woxford Inklings!

Along with our many other adventures, we’ve noticed there are many “couples” on the trip. Being that we are both single, scouting out the local British man-children has been quite the sport. There’s Garlic John, Pub Ollie, HeMan Martin, Banbury Paul, and Nashville Corey (the pseudo-Brit). There was also Hot Spring Nigel from Bath, but we don’t like to talk about him. Although few have peaked our interests, our Wofford and Oxford (also know as Woxford) destinies have yet to be established...

FOOD! I (Kimberly) had the most delicious scone the other creamy it practically melted in my mouth. I just wanted to smother it in gravy and eat it like a biscuit. Kelly’s cranberry and brie baguette was divine, and the meat pies are quite hearty! Maybe I can finally put some meat on these bones. We live from meal to meal…Whoever said Britain wasn’t famous for its food is a bloody lunatic! Everything we’ve had has been quite a palate of pleasure!

The architecture is beautiful, the grass is always green, and the weather is always rainy (not so great for our curly hair...). C.S. Lewis is intellectually stimulating. Coffee is essential and completely Woxford.

Shopping is expensive. The walking is endless, but our legs are looking great. England is breathtaking, and more than we ever imagined.

Our only complaint is how early everything closes! It’s very curious…in America restaurants and shops are open well after dark, but here all the shops close by 6 at the latest, and many pubs stop serving food by 7:30!

Tonight a group of us (12 to be exact) decided to dine at a place called Beefeater. The hostess/manager/bartender/waitress informed us upon arrival that there was already a 30 minute wait for a table for 2, so we would not be getting a table tonight. After she thought for a minute, though, she told us to “hover” over by the bar area, because a large group of people were about to be seated, and she suggested that we swoop in and take their seats and order our food at the bar. This was a bit of a confusing and uncomfortable proposition at first, but luckily we took her up on the offer because it turned out to be one of the best nights we’ve had so far! It took some time to get everyone through the line to order since the bar was already lined with Brits looking for some Ale, but the food came out in a reasonable amount of time. Some of the dishes included a Beefeater Sampler with chicken, lamb, and ribs; a before mentioned brie and cranberry sauce baguette; steak and mushroom pie; and the traditional fish and chips. Everything was delicious! We had a wonderful time sitting around talking and enjoying each other’s company. There was a lot of laughter, and whenever a song came on the radio we knew, you’d think it was karaoke night. I think the staff as well as the other diners were very entertained by us noisy Americans. It turned out that one of the bartenders was from America! He’d actually attended Furman for a year…what a small world! It was just a great experience. Kimberly said that was just what Interim is supposed to be.

So after a wonderful day of touring the beautiful town of Bath, and an idyllic dinner experience in the Town Center of Oxford, we are going to try and get some sleep to gear our hot legs up for walking all over Canterbury tomorrow!  More to come…

Posted by Kimberly Smith and Kelly Jones

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Terriers said...
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