Monday, January 28, 2008

Reflections on Oxford

I was really surprised at how people cared about American politics. Paul knew much more about US politics than I did and I would not be surprised if he knew more than any one person on the trip. Will, Matt, and I had a interesting conversation with him over a pint about some of his views in comparison to ours. He claimed to be liberal in many ways but I was surprised to find out that he did not think we should model a health care system in the US after the UK's. He thought that all Americans should have health care but at the same time he did not have an answer to the problem. He threw out the statistic that the health care system in the UK is the second largest single employer in the world next to the Chinese army. This statistic is scary. What would a universal health care system in the US with many more people turn in to?

One night we had dinner at a pub and Becky, myself, and others were lucky enough to have a long conversation with a guy who claimed to be named Robert. He had many interesting stories and it was fun to compare life in the US with his. He talked of some feelings some people have toward Americans but he was more interested in literature. Becky was definitely able to impress him with her interests and knowledge in that area. I am glad that job was not left up to me. Once he learned I was a finance major he told an interesting story about JP Morgan and how he inherited his initial fortune. Robert was an interesting guy. I got the feeling he was from old money in England because he did not claim to really have a job and his great grandmother donated the original building for the US embassy.

I was really impressed with the overall trip and the way in which were able to focus on C.S. Lewis acidemically and also have a very enjoyable experience. We had a really great group and in my opinion we all got along well. This was my first time traveling to Europe and I would have to say I am glad I went. It was only a taste of what Oxford has to offer and I look forward to traveling back in the future

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