Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A very fulfilling day-trip

This summer i took a massive (8,600 mile) road trip across America. On this trip, i drove every inch of the famous highway 101, which goes from Tacoma, Washington to San Francisco, Ca. The most beautiful feature of this drive is the famous Oregon coast, which is where the road snakes along the 50-100 foot cliffs and drops off into the sea. What i saw last friday put this to shame. For my free day, i decided to take off by myself and head down to the Southeast corner of England and see the White Cliffs of Dover. It took me a while (and a good bit of money for the train ticket) to get there, but as i arrived in Dover, my excitement began to grow. This is because as the train got closer to Dover, i began to see small outrcroppings of the famous white cliffs and the train would actually tunnel through them in places. Dover itself isnt that much to speak of. It wasn't the cleanest city, but i think that is beacsue it has a huge harbour that appears to be used most for industry. Needless to say, if you plan a trip to Dover, i would recommend only staying one night at the most, but the cliffs are worth the trip.
In order to familiarize myself with the bay, i walked out onto the longest peer i have ever seen in my entire life. I think it went almost a mile out into the bay, and offered a great view of the beginning of the cliffs and the city of Dover. I ran into an old ship captain who was fishing off of the pier. He told me of a little footpath that would take me up out of the bay and onto the top of the cliffs. i got pretty excited about this, so after a brief lunch of very fresh fish and chips, i began my hike. I really didn't know what i was getting in to.
The ascension of the cliff was a little tedious, i was not wearing any of the right clothes for a hike, but once i got to the top, i was breathless for the next 4 hours. I struck out on what looked like an ancient sheep path that walked me right along the edge of the cliffs. The sea was thundering below me against the chalky cliffs, and the sediment it eroded made the whater i milky green color. i had never seen anything look like it before. The entire time there were gulls screaming over my head and inland were herds of sheep grazing on the very green grass. I began to understand a little more the ideas of the Romantic poets. I too felt, without looking for it, rather overwhlemed by the landscape surrounding me. I felt quite small and insignificant surrounded by such incredible views. The cliffs were literally blindingly white, and i think the hike for me reached its peak when i stumbled across an old white lighthouse overlooking the English channel. My imagination ran wild with thoughts of how long it had been there and how many people had stood where i was for centuries and overlooked the Englsih Channel. This excursion proved to be quite the experience and i would recommend it to anyone. Thanks for reading the blogs, and maybe i will be able to tell some of you about it in person...

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