Monday, January 28, 2008

Visiting Jack’s Old Stomping Ground

On Tuesday, our class was lead by our dear and faithful guide, Paul, to The Kilns, Lewis’ home, and Holy Trinity Church, where he and his brother were faithful members. Reading Lewis’ essays and letters while we were still in Spartanburg helped me to get a grasp on his beliefs and even his personality. Yet seeing his home and where he worshipped was very special to me. We were guided around his house by a lovely lady from North Carolina (it was so refreshing for our class to hear another Southern accent!). She pointed out where Lewis wrote many of his correspondents, the pond Lewis bathed in every morning, even in the freezing weather, what rooms his wife, Joy, redecorated upon moving into the Kilns, and the little garden where they visited on countless afternoons. Being able to walk around his home and sit in the same pew that he did every Sunday morning allowed me to really feel connected to this great man. Hearing countless examples of how Lewis affected his audiences’ lives, and even seeing his impact on our class and me personally has been one of the most rewarding parts of this class. Being able to physically walk around where he worked and lived on a daily basis was surreal. C.S. Lewis, better known to his friends and family as “Jack”, was a profound writer who led a simple life; witnessing that lifestyle was truly a treat for me.

Written by: Leanne Brinson

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