Monday, January 28, 2008

Christ Church

Will, Allison, Alex, and I visited Christ Church one afternoon for what we thought was going to be a quick walk though but it ended up taking over three hours. When we first arrived the dining hall was closed because it was lunch time. This was supposedly the biggest attraction since it is where Harry Potter was filmed but after visiting I was more impressed with the chapel and the rest of the grounds.

We walked around the Chapel at Christ Church for a few minutes and Will and I sat while the girls talked to a lady who was working on something in the back. Will and I decided to finally go pull the two girls away from the conversation but we soon realized that the lady was actually working on a tapestry over 500 years old. It was really interested to see how she worked to maintain the original form of the cloth. She actually took us up to another workroom where there was more of the same tapestries that had been redone. After we told the ladies in the workroom about our interests in C.S. Lewis and the purpose for the trip, one lady sat up and told us that we had to meet Caroline. Caroline is the daughter of the priest who married Lewis and Joy in the hospital. Caroline appeared to have dementia of some sort but she did recall meeting Lewis on one occasion. Meeting Caroline made the excursion to Christ Church worth while and it was also a beautiful campus.

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