Monday, January 28, 2008

Second free afternoon, Wednesday 23rd

After a short class session, I decided to venture into the City Centre of Oxford by myself for a little while. I think this day was important for me. To walk around a place by yourself allows you to view things with a different perspective, and can lead to new adventures or discoveries. I walked through many alleyways and streets that I had not been down yet. After some time of walking around, Leanne met up with me and we went into the Asmolean museum. Seeing the artifacts and fossils from Ancient Egypt were very interesting, and it made me realize that my favorite part of our trip is seeing firsthand the age and history of so many different things (from architecture to individual artifacts). After the museum Leanne and I ventured up to the top of one of the towers of one of the churches (St. Mary's? name?), and from there we could see so much of Oxford. After that it was a pretty relaxing evening and ended with a fun filled night of Trivial Pursuit at the Logan House.
Written by: Jeff Parrish

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