Monday, January 28, 2008

Reflections on my first trip to England…

As I wrote in a previous post, my only regret was not bringing my laptop. I feel that it would have been much easier to write more detailed posts if I had been able to do it the same day. However, I think the trip was filled with many firsts and many memories I will never forget. Before this trip, I had never even flown without my family, so it was a completely new experience for me. Also, this interim exposed me to another side of C.S. Lewis; one which was completely unknown to me before January. As a child, I read The Chronicles of Narnia, and I thought (ignorantly) that was all there was to C.S. Lewis. His knowledge of literature is the one thing that completely astonishes me. The fact that his primary academic work was on medieval literature shocked me. Who wants to read that stuff anyways? Visiting Oxford and seeing the college where he tutored and lectured allowed me to understand more about the academic and social influences under which he wrote. I found Dr. Tonning’s lecture very interesting because instead of focusing solely on Lewis, she focused more on his academic and intellectual influences. I think she gave us a better idea of why he wrote in a certain manner and why he approached difficult issues in a certain fashion. Instead of trying to analyze and break down his work, she presented our class with possible reasons why he wrote different books. In the bigger picture, I thought it was crazy that we were able to hear lectures from two different Oxford professors! How many people who don’t attend Oxford are actually given that opportunity? At the beginning of interim, C.S. Lewis was a complete enigma to me. I couldn’t understand how all his works fit together, and I didn’t know why his range of writing was so broad and seemingly unconnected. I certainly don’t think I have all the answers now, but I have a much better understanding of the way Lewis’s mind worked. The books, lectures, and my peers’ insight have all allowed me to see his work in a completely new light. I learned that Lewis wrote to evoke the senses and to appeal to the masses. Of course, I don’t mean that in the Hollywood sense. I mean that he wrote in such a way that most anyone could read his works and understand his thoughts and perspectives. While I very much enjoyed learning about C.S. Lewis, I also greatly appreciated our free days and free afternoons. I loved going into London and exploring the city. I also enjoyed our excursions to both Canterbury and Bath. I have always wanted to see Canterbury Cathedral in person, and I was finally given the opportunity on this trip! While I admit checking into our London hotel was quite an adventure, it brought many great stories with it!

Written by: Katie Brown

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